
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~My Christmas Tree ~

Hi everyone... I'm finally feeling better.  It's about time right !?!! ... And I finally got my Christmas tree up.  Brandon, my little boy, helped me.  He likes all the ornaments, he goes up and looks at them and touches them softly.  He is so good about not being rough with anything.  I feel behind, since I wanted to have it up the first of december, but I'm glad I was finally able to get it done.  Here are a few pictures so you can see what he and i worked on :).

He is being silly in this picure messing with his ears... :)

He really was help... Here he is putting the branches in for me....We had fun! munched on gingerbread cookies and had soft christmas music playing in the background to help the Christmas mood...

 ( *Keep Smiling* )
    Im outieeeee


  1. very pretty love the bows, little dude lookslike hehad fun x keep warm keep safe and have fun vikkie

  2. @ Vicky....The bows are my favorite part :) i love bows !!

    @Schell....Thank you ..... He acted as though he knew what he was doing... like he had done it
